48,000-year-old zombie virus came back! People are in danger again!!

'Pandemic Season 2'
Melting of thousands-year-old ice sheets, or permafrost, due to climate change may pose new threats to humans. Scientists have been saying this for a long time. They said they found more than two dozen viruses that could pose a serious threat. And in this list there are some viruses, which are named zombie viruses. These viruses were deposited at the bottom of a lake. 

They are more than 48,500 years old. That's what scientists say. Some European scientists have obtained some samples from the permafrost of the Siberian region of Russia, which they have tested to know the existence of this virus. 
 Scientists revived and identified 13 new pathogens. They are called zombie viruses. According to the researchers, they remained infectious for a long time despite living in frozen ice for thousands of years.

What scientists say Scientists

 have long warned that warming permafrost is causing already-trapped greenhouse gases like methane to re-disperse. These are going to cause huge damage to the environment. But information about its effect on latent pathogens is still scarce. But scientists say to be careful.

 Research teams in Russia, Germany and France say there is currently no risk in reviving the virus they studied. Because these bacteria could once infect only amoeba bacteria. Viruses that can infect animals or humans are very troubling things. In this case, no example of fear has been found yet.
The danger will increase as the glaciers melt 
 According to the article in the preprint repository bioRxiv, many types of ancient organisms and viruses are present in glaciers that have been frozen for millions of years. These viruses and organisms will come to the surface as the ice melts. After exposure to the sun, sunlight and air, these viruses can become active again. In this case these ancient organisms and viruses will reach every corner of the earth and go to any stage to survive. 
 Viruses can destroy the entire human race

 Permafrost is benefiting from global warming. It is difficult to predict how long it will take for a virus or organism to spread after emerging from frozen ice. But if their infection continues to increase in the world's environment and if any people or animals are infected from them, then we still do not have an answer on how to control that issue.
